
1999- this year was the begining of the Hell Town Trio. Outta sheer boredom, Dill Robert started the Hell Town Trio as
a one man recording project by the name of Slakjaw. While writing new songs and realizing that writing punk songs wasn't fun
anymore (though playing them still is), he needed a change, a challenge if you will. Thus was the beginging. a new start.
enlisting the help of Kent from the legendary manRay 19, Dill recorded new songs that were experimental. well, to him anyway.
Making only a limited number of cds for his friends for X-mas, his friends were please w/ the new adventure he was taking.
So Dill plugged away making new songs and 6 months later made another collection of songs, and made only a few copies for
friends. More and more people started to pay attention to Dill's works. After another 6 months or so, Dill decieded to change
the name to the Hell Town Trio, cuz Slakjaw was used by at least 5 other bands. Plus it sounded better (even though he is
still the only member). So with the help of Jennifer Wilke ( creator of Flashing Red Airplane ) Dill recorded 4 new songs
and used tracks from the previously released works and made the first Hell Town Trio cd "Anchors & Electricity". A reference
to a Jem Cohen quote in the "Instrument" video booklet. with Jen and Jesse (from manRay 19 and currently in Sah) had the first
gig and cd release party ( also Flashing Red Airplane's debut and cd release ). Since then Dill has been working w/ Milton
alot and has not had time to do anything until recently when he started to write again for HTT. So there you have it, a story
to go with the music that is strictly from the heart. With minimal singing cuz words are only that and if minimal is said,
there is more emphisis on their meaning. Plus Dill isn't really good with words so most of the songs don't have any lyrics.
But never the less, Dill wil continue to keep writing and recording and hopefully one day find people who understand and want
to help in the vision that is the Hell Town Trio.
2003-Well it's been a while and Milton was done. Dill started the Fried Chinese Donalds, a rock and roll band,
with the help of Dave Mattfield from Witness This and Brian Dillon (FCD being his first band). At this time is when
Josh the Punk Guy ( a close friend and former bandmate of Dill from 3 bands past) and fellow red hair Jamie VanEffen began
jamming as the Hell Town Trio, bringing in old songs that Dill has done and new ones written w/ Josh and Jamie. HTT
became an actual group ( and trio).
Jamie has left and Josh and Dill have no drummer til one MR. John Shepich had offered his services. His style it
real simple, but effective being as HTT is a simple band. Though Jamie will always be part of the Helltown Family, it's
a lil hard to practice and play when on is 9 hours away.







