Hell Town Trio/Get Bent Records

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These Are Friends of G.B.R.

Flashing Red Airplane- the sister band to the Hell Town Trio

sah- the best in neanderthal rawk

The Muldoons- straight from Shan-tan-titty town.

Josh Richley- took some great pics of us, so check out his other work

Here are some links that are either bands that influence the Hell Town Trio or just plain cool.

Gravitar- Hometown boys do good. The best band in the world.

Nick Cave- the greatest songwriter to ever live

High Dependency Unit- I saw them w/ Shellac. Blew me away.

Dirty Three- The greastest band outta Austrailia since AC/DC.

Black Heart Procession- this band is so amazing.

Shellac- Albini, Weston, Trainer are true geniuses

Kill The Man Who Questions- The future of Rawk and Roll.

AK Press- really cool. Revolution, baby